Piñatex Black with brushed gold buckle | 18mm by Votch


About this strap

These straps are created from Piñatex, an innovative and sustainable fabric created from pineapple leaf fibres (how amazing?!). Piñatex is a by-product from the pineapple harvest and provides additional income for the farmers growing this wondrous fruit. No extra land, pesticides or fertilisers are used in the production of Piñatex, meaning our straps are not only good for animals, but for this beautiful planet we call home too.

Please be aware that as Piñatex is a natural material we recommend you take extra special care of it. To keep your strap in top condition we recommend using a natural wax such as the clear dubbin that is available here. It’s best to leave the waxed strap in a warm location for 24 hours and then buff with a soft cloth. Then tell your strap you love it, because it came from pineapples and we think it deserves to be told. 



Strap Colour Black

Strap Material Piñatex

Buckle Colour Brushed gold

Strap Width 18mm with quick release pin


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