Cork Drinks Tray | Hornsea Houses by Liga

Organic Cork Drinks Tray, from our Hornsea collaboration. The classic Hornsea designs made into contemporary sustainable homeware.

Sustainable Materials

Cork is harvested once every nine years in Portugal without harming the tree. Cork continues to absorb CO2 as a LIGA product.


Wipe clean with damp cloth


30cm x 20cm

Plastic Free Packaging

Our Cork Tray's are wrapped in a simple eco paper band.

We use zero plastic in our packaging. Sustainable Living and eco giving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read our full FAQs within our Customer Service Portal.

Earth Positive Business

Click to learn more.

9,222 trees planted
119 days of water supplied

We are Generous APE

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Our marketplace is home to over 200 ethical brands whom share our values of protecting Animals, People and the Environment.

None of us are perfect but together we can make change.